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MobilHybrid - SEV


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MobilHybrid GmbH is an innovative manufacturer of mobile energy systems that have been specially developed for use in areas where a reliable and flexible power supply is required. With its expertise in the development and production of hybrid energy systems, MobilHybrid GmbH offers tailor-made solutions for a variety of applications.


MobilHybrid GmbH is characterized by its comprehensive expertise in the field of mobile energy supply systems. The company has in-depth knowledge and experience in combining different energy sources such as diesel generators, battery storage and renewable energies. MobilHybrid GmbH places great emphasis on sustainability and efficiency by integrating innovative technologies and advanced control systems to optimize energy consumption and minimize environmental impact.


MobilHybrid offers a wide range of energy storage systems tailored to different needs and applications:

  • MobilHybrid : A mobile power storage unit with intelligent control that enables economical and environmentally friendly energy supply.
  • ContainerHybrid Systems : Powerful storage solutions in two sizes (10 feet and 20 feet) with usable battery capacities of 48, 72 and 108 kWh.
  • HomeHybrid : An intelligent energy manager and power storage device for home use that can store both self-generated and external power.
  • Solar systems : Complementary solar systems for self-generated electricity that are environmentally friendly and cost-efficient.

With its advanced products and comprehensive expertise, MobilHybrid GmbH sets standards in the field of mobile energy supply and makes a significant contribution to energy efficiency and sustainability.

Please feel free to contact us for an individual offer.

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