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Europe's most comprehensive online shop for power generators

Feuerwehr - BOS - SEV

Fire Department - BOS

(57 products)

Welcome to our category for power generators that have been specially developed for use by fire departments, authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) as well as the Technical Relief Agency (THW). We are proud to offer high quality and reliable power generators that meet the demanding requirements of these important areas of application.

During emergency situations, reliable power is critical to power vital equipment, communications systems and other critical devices at the scene. Our selection of power generators for fire departments, BOS and THW includes models that have been specially developed for use in challenging environments and under extreme conditions.

Our power generators are characterized by the following features:

Robust construction: The power generators are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of use. They are robust, mobile, weatherproof and can function reliably even under adverse conditions.

High performance: Our generators offer high performance and are able to provide enough power to run multiple devices and equipment at the same time. This ensures that the emergency services are always supplied with sufficient energy.

Versatility: The generators are versatile and can be used for various applications, be it to power lighting systems, tools, communication equipment or other electrical devices.

Easy to use: We know that rapid deployment is crucial. Therefore, our power generators are easy to operate and quickly ready for use so that the emergency services can concentrate on their actual work.

Environmentally friendly: We value environmentally friendly solutions. Our power generators are designed to work efficiently and with low emissions in order to keep the environmental impact as low as possible.

Whether in firefighting, rescue operations or disaster control - our power generators for the fire brigade, BOS and THW are reliable partners that you can rely on. Discover our range now and find the right power generator for your application requirements.

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Was regelt die Normenreihe DIN 14685?


Die DIN 14685 definiert Spezifikationen für tragbare Stromerzeuger, die von Feuerwehren und anderen Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS) verwendet werden. Die Norm ist in mehrere Teile untergliedert:


DIN 14685-1: Stromerzeuger ab 5 kVA


Diese Norm gilt für größere Stromerzeuger und definiert folgende Nennleistungen:


  • 5 kVA
  • 9 kVA
  • 13 kVA
  • 20 kVA
  • 40 kVA
  • 60 kVA


DIN 14685-2: Stromerzeuger unter 5 kVA


Für kleinere, tragbare Stromerzeuger werden folgende Nennleistungen festgelegt:


  • 2 kVA
  • 3 kVA
  • 4 kVA


DIN 14685-3: Tragbare Stromerzeuger mit Invertertechnologie


Diese Norm definiert Anforderungen für Inverter-Stromerzeuger mit einer Nennleistung ab 2 kVA.


Wichtige Anforderungen


Die DIN 14685 legt verschiedene technische und sicherheitsrelevante Anforderungen fest, darunter:


  • Stromerzeuger mit Schutztrennung und Potentialausgleich
  • Isolationswächter mit optischer und akustischer Meldeeinrichtung
  • Schutzschalter für jede Steckdose
  • Druckwasserdichte Steckdosen (min. IP 67)
  • Lastanzeige mit dreiphasiger Ist-Wert-Messung


Für Stromerzeuger nach DIN 14685-2 gelten einige dieser Anforderungen in reduziertem Umfang.


Die Norm stellt sicher, dass die Stromerzeuger für den Einsatz bei Feuerwehren und anderen BOS-Organisationen geeignet sind und die notwendigen Sicherheitseinrichtungen besitzen.

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